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Chill, My Guy


TyRom3, you did it again. You cursed yourself. You don't bless yourself. You don't speak well of yourself.

You think Yah wants you to struggle. You think Yah is pleased with your pain. You think Yah wants you to reside forever down on Earth. You tell yourself that the only way up is taken away in a casket. TyRom3, you did it again.

You stand in the shower screaming "Why Me YAHHHHHH!!!" After hours of pupil rain showers, you wipe your eyes. You are faced with a decision. You must break down to build up. You must block out the noise and do what is best for you. Sit down. Be humble.

We tend to not be the best caregivers of our thoughts. It is so easy to fall into the societal trap. I must go to school. I must make my parents proud, choosing the steady career over fulfilling my destiny. Trying to climb the corporate ladder, we slip down into dull despair. Chasing money instead of looking for completeness, we neglect what brings of life.

Yah is life. Giving thanks for the air He gifted us to breathe, we express our love for Him. We love our neighbors as we love ourselves. IT IS OKAY TO LOVE YOURSELF! It is not okay to neglect praying and assisting your fellow mankind throughout this journey we call life. No man, woman, nor child is an island. We are destined to move cohesively, aiming for ultimate unity. You and I tie bonds, creating uncorruptible valuable structures, when led by a heart of gold.

So, take it easy. Ease your mind of the many whys. Meditate on Yah's Word, day and night. Every day, speak your gratitude to Yah. Every day, treat every person with the highest respect and honor. Listen to those who speak to you and give your time to help them. The greatest resource to give is not money. The most valuable treasure is time. Invest wisely, sit back, and watch the fruit shoot from the root.

Chill, my guy, and multiply.

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Valencia Baker
Valencia Baker
Mar 02, 2023

Love this!!

Felton Baker II
Felton Baker II
Mar 02, 2023
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Thank you for the love!


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